Current Projects
Silver Initiatives
Our mission is to bring people together and strengthen the bonds within our community through events. We offer free event support services, including personnel, equipment, planning, and resources, to non-profit event organizers in the Pensacola area.
Storytelling Solutions of America
Storytelling Solutions of America is a launching pad for teaching youth to share their story and access mental health care through the art and skill of public speaking.
Therapeutic Riding Unlimited
TRU harnesses the unique ability of equines to contribute positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of individuals facing life's challenges.
STEM Story
STEM Story is TV show for PBS, that features profiles of female professionals in STEM careers who are doing meaningful work and changing the world. Why is this important? There aren’t enough women in STEM jobs. Women make us 48% of the US workforce but only represent 27% of the STEM professionals.
Pensacola Positivity
Pensacola Positivity "Riding Waves for Positive Changes"
Our goal is to amplify positive vibes & promote shopping locally while leading with a community over competition positive mentality.
At Local markets, the money you spend with farmers, growers, artists, makers and local charities stays in your LOCAL community. For every $100 spent at local markets, $68 of those dollars stay in and strengthen our community.
Pensacola Network of Black Professionals
We provide networking and professional development for black professionals in Pensacola so that they can master their personal and professional goals to gain empowerment and thrive.
We are the largest black professionals organization in the Florida Northwest panhandle.
Pensacola Children’s Business Fair
Pensacola Children’s Business Fair (PCBF) is an organization that hosts volunteer children’s business fair to inspire young makers who are interested in entrepreneurship. We support children ages 6-17, encouraging them to brainstorm their business ideas and create their product or service, promote their brand, build their business plans, and launch to customers.
Gulf Coast Energy Academy
Gulf Coast Energy Network (GCEN) advocates for energy-efficiency policies that minimize costs to all sectors of the economy and that lessen greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on global climate. Based in Pensacola, Florida, GCEN brings a wealth of educational and technical experience to all aspects of energy and water efficiency, alternative energy, and sustainable design in the Northwest Florida Region.
The Borden Foundation
The Borden Foundation is the voice for the voiceless. We believe it is our duty as humans to respect and care for all lifeforms who share this planet with us. Our aim is to take global action by engaging and educating local communities in events that instill a sense of conservation and preservation of at-risk habitats. Enabling us to help identify species in need and teach present and future generations their role in making our world a better place.
Coming Out in the South
Julie Still-Rolin is hitting the road with the Coming Out in the South Tour where she will speak at events for organizations who seek to understand the experiences of coming out in the South. Julie’s speaking points include overcoming obstacles such as being disowned, being discriminated against, and living with society’s negative feelings about homosexuality.
Nature Connect
The Nature Connect mission is to cultivate curiosity, compassion, and connection with the natural world. We believe it’s important to get kids unplugged from technology and reconnected with the natural world. Our vision is to support children to develop a deep love and respect for the natural world, so that they grow into empowered, resilient, and compassionate leaders in their communities.
350 Pensacola
350 Pensacola provides local support for the global campaign. We offer lectures, discussion courses, workshops and other activities to encourage people to examine their personal values and habits and develop strategies for acting on their commitment to a healthy Earth and sustainable future.
Bike Pensacola Slow Ride
Bike Pensacola’s almost-monthly “Slow Ride” is the most popular bike ride in Pensacola! For over three years, Bike Pensacola has brought this event to thousands of riders and helped them see our city in a new way. Pensacola CAN is proud to support our community and invites everyone to join Bike Pensacola for the monthly rides. Please consider making a donation to Bike Pensacola and help keep this event rolling.